What's the Score?

Capital Fundraising Campaign

Are We In A Pickle?

We have a lofty goal to raise $150,000 by September 1, 2021 and with your help we can make it happen. We are asking past, present, and future players to step up and pledge their best possible gift to ensure our new, state of the art facility will become a reality that we can all be proud of. Who’s willing to pledge $1 a day? We can do this.

Facility Specifications

  • Premier Eight Court Pickleball Complex

  • Precision Lighting, Anti-Slip Playing Surface

  • Two ADA* Compliant Tournament Courts

  • Equipment Building and Utility Access

  • Professionally Managed Turnkey Build

  • $400,000 Retail Value (~$65K+ In Kind)

*Americans with Disabilities Act

It's Your Serve...

See the table to the left for naming opportunities and pledge financially to become associated with a piece of the development. There are limited opportunities for naming in the complex, please consider making a pledge early in order to avoid missing out. For example: donors wishing to pledge a $7500 gift, one of the six regulation courts could permanently display, on beautifully branded signage, your naming likeness or honor a loved one.

Mailing for Pledges:

White Squirrel Pickleball Association

c/o Linda Wade

719 E. Locust St.

Olney, Illinois 62450